And so decided to make more holy action again. Slowly but surely . And you will like it a lot , i think. We are all brothers and sisters in this world even all animals and even those animals , which we are eat so dearly. But , eat them all with all the love you have in your heart. Dont buy cheap meat. That means ,you hate them , you hate the creation and then also offcourse you hate your creator and then the whole creation . You cannot sägen the brunch on which you sitting on. Then you brake your neck too. And this is happening a lot in this day and age. And thats terrible.
And thats why i start to preach again , doing events again . And also i will singing,dancing and doing videos again. I start just now. Tell all your friends , even the people which are thinking that iam a Bla Bla Cha Cha Gaga Man. Iam surely not. For now
5654345667 Blessing for you all together
Be carefull in your life
Logh at your neighbour
and maybe love him too
Swami Durchananda
But it was allways like that. Iam now here again in this bloody germany , helping Christina Merkel to get lost from this Anti-refugee spirit. Its hard. I can tell you that: Iam so often upstairs in the KINGDOM of HEAVEN, i never saw a Ossi there , they all went down to HELL, where Hitler ,Bin Laden and others are fat in business there. And thats the way it goes for people like that
And Petry , Höcker and others even this Wolf and Mrs. Clockler are on the way down there. And so i decided, that i have to build a school for love and devotion, so not so many people get lost now. And so i will inform you soon for a upcoming project , which is named The GARDEN of MERCY so you can learn all that. But since then , start to meditate a lot, eat more helal pig and cheak peas and plain rice and drink bottles of perwine. It helps you to get more clear in your brain and heart.
564 Blessings and dont piss besides the toilett. Jesus could be hurted from that
As soon he appeared in kingdom of heaven last night this Schmidt started to smoke fat cubanian cigars,which normaly Godfather himselve is allowed only to smoke there, our beloved Br. Benjamin
phoned me 15 minutes ago. But it seems he is very wise too. He will bring out the new Heavenly news paper "GodsMessage". But on earth it will be never released. They have there enough
readers and there is still no Internet. Anyway.
Smoking is not healthy , drinking is not healthy and dying also not. Never forget that
5678 Blessings
The Best Swami Durchananda in this world
You living here so to say on my planet , on my earth and in my country. At least Allmight Lord was saying said at the big conference in the kingdumm of heaven upstairs where all the Holynesses
supossed to be, I know i am so humble , so it looks allways that iam a little serant , but NO, iam big !! At least i have to much weight. But from that you can feel the big grace is coming
from me to you. And iam sheltering You everyday with love and care.
And then , what are you doing with that. You want , that this grace is allways for you alone , maybe a bit also for your neighbours , maybe also for some of your country but not for the
Foreigners and for the Foreigner on the march: The Flüchtlinge. And thats bad , bad , bad, like Mikel Jack-Son was chanting that. For you, my your little children of Innoncence!!! Be fair
to them, bake them a Schnitzel and fry them some pommes and drink with them the bottle of wine in peace. And before offcourse drink a Mango-Lassi , its good in this heat of the moment. Later make
love with them , create family. I think they mostly good in bed, and excellent in the unholy sexthings too. So take care , be brave and 678678 Blessings
In this day and age grace is my only place
there i want to be thats only things that keeps me free
(Swami Durchananda , July 2015 )
Is not , if you lie in the grass burning your brain and body out in this day and ätsch. Its more how you dedicate your life to. To silly girls and boys, thats stupid. If you doing that , you getting silly love with a lot of condoms and Towels. The love with god smells allways after heavenly roses and with fullfillment on the right fleck: in your true heart. From god you never get pregnant , the exception was holy mary offcourse and the klapperstorch from Timmensdorfer Strand , but from that only holy persons can tell. But any wääh, you need this fullfilment. Forget all your dildos. Be connected with this inner flame which is eternal and also the bridge to the real kingdumm of heaven. Be there and get happy,my little sweet fly
My dear dear dear friends , as far you follow me, best regards from Brother Benjamin to you all. Today is sunday and we are glad that we can rest a bit. Life is full with things to do and not to do. Incredible, that we have the grace to live , anyway. So look Tatort tonight, it s very important to see, so look
If you tink ,everthing is finished, a new life is coming across. Allmighty Lord is a player and he allways want to play with new things. And thats why suddenly the before things end rapidly. And
then we are shocked and we cry: Oh Lord, have mercy. But he has allways mercy and the situation has nothing to do with mercy, but The Allmighty then starts allways his new game, area or
tries to establish the next big thing. So nevercry , just trust and be ready for new joy of life
Our Lord is not content with this selfish Germany and even not with the whole wild world.Thats also the reason he took Brother Benjamin away from this fucking world. This crazy world fucked up his holy kidneys and more. Thats the reason our beloved Brother is now based in Bad Himmelreich to refresh hisself. Lord Allmighty was so proud of him. Big Brother sends you all his Love and soon his great Record, which you must buy , if we allow you so.
Anyway, life goes on and the day you will have more unquiet time coming nearer. , because human beans are not able to appreciate their own life, gods grace and even the gift of breath. But at first the strawberry and Asparagus season coming across. Enjoy that and then we will see further.No blessing at all
But offcourse its nice , that both countries reminding themselves on their roots and on trojan horse or on Wodka Gorbatschow.
True spirituality comes from within , showed by a little Swami likeme. Because we need to be in a shelter of someone which takes care of us. Zebra and Jonny Putin are leaders , but they
also scaring people like the moneymonsters and Mrs Makel from Germany too. Iam also doubting their holy issues , i guess they want exchange Gas with grapes , Ouzo and olive products and they are
not influenced things by holy ghostThats why allmighty Lord is not amused. So maybe i should phone Putin tonight at midnight
Its Karwoche and the suffering for all christs will be very big, much bigger also through this poor Copilot , which was not clear in his head. Like the most war making politicians and IS
-Killers. Killing is killing, dead people are dead people. And we are not there to decide which people have the right to live and which people not. We should love us all , thats our human
duty , nothing else. Period
Because at that day i overtook an new initiative for laughter and peace. If peace should be for everybody ,it should reach every human being and even all cats and dog. And that is my goal,
that every fish can sit together with for example with every cow sipping a pina colada. Thats peace too. You think thats stupid? Its more stupid to sell weapons to country and telling the volk,
we are doing it for peace. Thats a bit more strange. And never forget; Every being has to go to toilett anyway. As far that is , we need peace. Because on toilett we need peace to be able to piss
, for example and offcourse also for the big business there too. But more important is , that we feel that heavenly grace inside of our heart, thats more important. And offcourse my 30 000
Blessing per month