Swami Durchananda - Sweetest Nirwana

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Swami Durchananda

This Christmas 2017

Steinmeier kuschel me Vol. 2

The Bühler Zwetschgenfest

Swami Durchananda bei der Feuerwehr

Save Venezuela and give them wine and food

Swami Durchananda: Osterbotschaft 2016

Swami Durchananda and the holy goats

Swami Durchananda und der Bulle von Bühl

Swami Durchananda plays Xylophon (Eastern Mix)

Swami Durchananda beamt Wichy de Vedado ins Schlafzimmer

Swami Durchananda presenting Wildbirds and peacedrums

Swami Durchananda is meeting with friends,Vol. 1

Best of: Swami Durchananda in Kingdom of Heaven

Nach dem das sinkende Schiff sich nicht mehr retten lies, verlies Swami Durchananda seine damaligen Mitarbeiter und ging den Himmel hinauf , um sich bei Allmighty Lord ordentlich zu beschweren und um neue Inspiration schenken zu lassen

Swamis psychedelic breakfast

Hans Zippert meets Swami Durchananda, Teil 3

Swami speaks about Libido

Guru lounge Erdogan is a political Sissi

if somebody normaly is beating his own people , he is the father of them  or he has sexual intentions. That means : In Turkia there are  a lot of men beaten from police and also all masculine women. That is the proof , Erdogan is a Sissy , not a gay , he is a Sissy. If he would be a gay  he would celebrate on that fuckin place a CSD Party , also in remeeberance of the people which died on HIV in Turkia.


But this Erdogan is not open open with his arguments, he is telling his people only bullshit and spreading them with Bio-Tränengas. The Bio in that is also a hint for his Sissyness, but it doesnt help to bring there piece and peace.


What can i tell Erdogan ? Travel to me, bring me all your money and wash my feet. Then all would be forgiven

This Pope eats my Tofu Stroganoff with Wollust

Franziskus is the second body of himself. He was so strong in Holyness that he can reincarnated himself. I love him very much. I met him at the latest Putsch in Argentina in End of 1988 in Bounes Aires. So i was at his place and i cooked for him the Stroganoff , which he was enjoing very much, He is also a good cook. His Salsa del Golfo is great and his homemade Corned Beef too. You know , that he is owning the Company Exeter, which is specialist of corned beef. But from happy cows , living in the Regenwald there. And there the cows even go there in a special cow church. And sometimes Franziskus was doing there also a special Gottesdienst. This Franziskus will sell the Vatikans now to the poor holy people like me  and one time in month i will go with him in this holy Sauna , for Holy man only. But offcourse that is a secret, because he doesnt want to see himself naked in the Bild Zeitung. And then a big rumour will happening again. But this rumours  and lies will allways coming around , even if he i  going at the toilet. A Pope at the toilet, what a big sin, they will tell, by forgetting the fact that all that journalists are also writing the whole days  much more shit, that fucking bastards. So become poor , sell all to me , i know what i will do with all that things and money: finishing my big peacebomb .Project offcourse


10 000 Blessings